Luna Lovegood's wand

Luna Lovegood's wand

  • €29,97

Luna Lovegood is a Serdaigle student often considered bizarre by her classmates. She is a friend of Ginny Weasley, Ron's sister. She returns to Hogwarts one year after Harry Potter. Angelic-looking with her blond hair, fair skin and big blue eyes, Luna did not have an easy childhood. Her mother died when she was only nine years old.

Her father is famous for his position as editor of the newspaper Le Chicaneur. A courageous student, she did not hesitate to join Dumbledore's army and take part in the battle of Hogwarts to defend her school against the threat of Voldemort.

She performs her spells with a wand from Ollivander's store of unknown wood and heart. A true replica of Luna Lovegood's wand from the Harry Potter films, the magic object measures 34 cm. Made of resin, it imitates a light wood. Its handle is finely carved in the shape of a tulip.

Luna Lovegood's wand

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